Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Proverbial poem

A golden key can open a new door,
A good poem can do much more!

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link,
The strongest bonds are created through ink!

A picture paints a thousand words,
A heartfelt poem transforms worlds!

A problem shared is a problem solved,
Kind words grief dissolved 

A thing of beauty is a joy forever,
Joy spreads through words clever!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
A poem, penned and shared, makes your day!

Shubha Sagar

Monday, 28 August 2017

Dear Ganesha

Dear Ganesha, while millions worship you during these auspicious ten days,
Please bless me Lord, to be able worship you, in some unconventional ways.

To worship you by awakening and invoking you in the recesses of my mind,
The way you fill a devotees mind, with thoughts, so compassionate and kind.

To worship you by seeing way beyond and listening through all attentive ears,
The way you glance at millions, listen to their prayers and dispel all their fears.

To worship you by internalizing positive thoughts and attempting to talk less,
The way you communicate through your silence, so much love and wellness.

To worship you by ever extending helping hands and engaging in good deeds,
Just the way you extend your trunk and reach out to all your devotees' needs.

To worship you by peacefully digesting all the good as well as  the bad in life,
Just the way you do, teaching us to remain calm all through struggle and strife.

To worship you by making bonds of love through little acts of 'giving & sharing',
The way you communicate to us, the all important message of 'sharing & caring'.

To worship you by controlling our desires and developing a sense of detachment,
Just the way, with the power of your axe, you sever off the bonds of attachment.

I may not bring your idol home and  join the ever increasing, maddening fervour,
But I wish to establish your divine image deep inside my heart forever and ever.

I may bring you home not in material form, rather in form of your divine qualities,
And submerge all my negative traits rather than your idol, as part of the festivities.

Dear Ganesha, while millions worship you during these auspicious ten days,
Please bless me Lord, to be able worship you, in some unconventional ways.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

One of those 'Soul-Connecting-Moments'

Image result for three women having a traditional meal together

It was definitely one of those soul connecting moments that particular day,
When I set out to meet someone special, who had sent an invitation my way.

Strangely, we met that day, not like two strangers but like long lost friends, 
For the positive vibes felt and sheer joy experienced was from both the ends.

True appreciation and genuine love, is so rarely found in this day and date,
And so is simplicity and straightforwardness not seen much around, of late.

How one can brush aside one's problems as trivial, I also happened to witness,
When all those were heart-rending and actually causing acute pain and distress.

Perhaps by  being a gracious host to someone and drawing immense pleasure,
Serving delicious food, warmth , love, cheer and happiness, all in good measure.

So much warmth can be packed in little gestures, if someone truly wishes to give,
Ensuring those lovely memories would surely remain with you till the time you live.

May God bless this wonderful soul, and feel truly blessed to get her selfless love,
An absolute rarity in today's world, where people keep own selfish needs far above.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Bas, aage hi badhna jeevan hai!

कहते हैं ,एक वर्ष तो यूं ही  गुज़र जाता है, पलक झपकते झपकते,
लेकिन, यदि उसका हर इक लम्हा दर्द  में लिपटा हो, तो क्या कहना?
सुना है ,यादों के कारवां भी धुंधले से पड़ जातें  है, सिमटते सिमटते,
पर उन यादों का हर इक साया कसक में लिपटा हो तो क्या कहना? 

एक इंसान के  जीते जागते एहसास दम तोड़ भी दें यदि तो गम नहीं ,
ज़िन्दगी तो उदार है ,और भी  बहुत से अवसर  देती है उस इंसान को,
लेकिन यदि एक जीगता जागता इंसान अचानक ही दम तोड़ दे यूँही ,
तो उसके अपनों के एहसासों और  सपनों की भरपाई किस तरह हो?

उन माँ  बाप के दिल पर क्या क्या नहीं गुज़री होगी इस पूरे एक वर्ष में,
जवान बेटे की अर्थी को कान्धा दिया था, दिल पर पत्थर रख कर जिन्होंने ?
उनके अरमानों पर कैसा केहर ढाया होगा, उस एक भयानक  झटके ने ,
उनके  जिगर के टुकड़े को जब अचानक उनसे छीन लिया था किस्मत ने ?

असीम दुःख के एहसास से भी परे हैं कुछ दर्द ऐसे ही, इस जीवन के,
जीना  न चाहें  तो भी जीना पड़ता है , भले घुट घुट कर ही जीना हो ,
आंसूं कभी तो  नासूर बन जाते हैं और कभी बहते हैं दरिया बन के,
गुज़र तो जाते हैं बोझिल पल पर ज़िन्दगी रोक लेती  है कुछ लम्हों को।

वो कुछ अनकहे से बोल, कितना  कुछ कह  जाते हैं, हम सबसे,  बिन कहे,
कितने कठिन पाठ  पढ़ा गयी  है उनके  जीवन की आप बीती गाथा हमको,
वो कुछ आँसू ,अपने अंदर छुपे गहरे दुखों की झलक दे जाते हैं, बिन बहे,
इतने सबक सीखा रही  है, उनकी जीवन को निभाने की हिम्मत हमको।

जीवन की धूप छाँव की इसआँख मिचोली में  हंस कर जीना  ही पड़ता है ,
गम मिले या मिले ख़ुशी ,उसे अपनाकर, डटे  रहने का नाम ही जीवन है.
जीवन के सुख दुःख भरे इस सफर में  कभी आंसुओं को पीना भी पड़ता है,
आंधी आयेया आये तूफ़ान, कभी न रुकना, बस आगे ही बढ़ना जीवन है।



पल भर में जब दम तोड़ दें और थम जाये उसकी  सॉंस , 

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

'Tongue in cheek humour' around face book and is myriad emotions...

Writing a poem is therapeutic for me and often thoughts that are paramount in my mind get translated into poetry... this one is on 'face book' and the myriad emotions it is associated with... a bit of a 'tongue in cheek humour'...all in good stead, though...

It is often felt that  face book posts are actually 'emotions on public display',
I do feel that this is only a partial truth and each post has much more to say.

Though, not one to express everything that I feel, randomly on Fb, just for effect,
I do feel that it surely gives so many people a platform to reach out and connect.

Though each 'like' and 'comment' coming your way, may not be genuine and heartfelt,
There are genuine ones too, that make you smile and may even make your heart melt.

Though, at the surface level, some posts seem 'very matter of fact' to the browser,
There could be a hidden message or sarcasm, meant for 'someone in particular'.

Expressions of love for close allies, may often be  a frantic craving  for attention,
While all may not be so hunky dory, and there may be an undercurrent or friction.

Congratulations and best wishes may be routine and not straight from the heart,
Of course,so cleverly camouflaged, making it difficult for you to set them apart.

The most conspicuous responses are the ones, spreading dislike by their absence,
Cleverly making their presence felt all around and in your arena spelling silence .

The reminders are a boon for hubbies, friends and acquaintances, with acute amnesia,
But for those' unconcerned', 'far too busy' or 'unwilling to reach out',  a mere trivia.

There are more complexities in the posts put up, than there are in human emotions,
Each causing a furore in some way or the other and often causing  commotions.

Some posts generate an excited exchange of pleasantries, reaching an euphoric state
But soon leaving the subject in melancholy, as they die down at an equally fast rate.

Nevertheless, all these keep us really busy, saving us from boredom and dullness,
Keeping us occupied, physically and mentally, ensuring our temporary wellness.

It's scary to think of the  fate of those, so addicted to this game of name and fame,
If this platform of entertainment would cease to exist one day, as suddenly as it came.

And what would happen to those who flaunt their figures and frames all the time,
Indulging in this arduous act and other than their efforts, not spending even a dime.

All said and done, we all enjoy our moments of indulgence, appreciation and glory,
However short-lived they might be,for they sure bring a tangy twist  in our life story.

So there is no harm in a moderate indulgence minus spates of hate and spite on display,
As long as we continue to spread some genuine love and cheer all around,in a  fair play.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

When our bubble of happiness bursts...

We all have experienced this in our lives, again and again and yet again,
When our bubble of happiness bursts, and we realize that it's all in vain. 

Fully aware of the fact that the bubble of happiness is not going to last,
We attach our hopes to a new source of joy, never learning from the past.

We surely need to have dreams and desires for ourselves, to surge ahead,
But the bitter fact is, that on realizing those dreams, are passion goes dead. 

No mater how far-reaching and far-fetched the goal may seem, in its quest,
It always bursts like a bubble on reaching it, making us lose in it, all interest.

Ironically, it  is just the same for a painful situation that we face in our lives,
It also bursts or disappears, sooner or later, as and when in our lives, it arrives.

We are not as thankful, when the bubble of suffering bursts, relieving us of pain,
As much as we are remorseful,when that of joy bursts, after its pleasurable gain.

Each one of us have delighted in creating and bursting bubbles in our childhood,
But have long forgotten the joy we had experienced, on reaching our adulthood.

How I wish, we could regain the joy of bursting bubbles, and remain ever joyful,
And have the 'innocent childlike wisdom' to always remain carefree and playful .

Learning to go through all life situations, no matter how tough they might appear,
Not seeking an escape route and facing them squarely till they simply disappear.

So, next time the bubble of happiness bursts, do not give it any undue importance,
Just sail through the joys and sorrows as you once did, with a child like innocence.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Let the real colours show

Image result for splash of colours in abstract

Let the real colours show, on this Holi or on just any other day,
Let the silver streaks grow, don't hide them or tuck them away.
Love the wrinkles on your face and revel in the shades of grey,
Love the growing pallor, never mind the crimson fading away.

No harm in adding black ,red, or gold flicks, to don a glam look,
But you are none the less graceful, when you don the natural look.
No harm in using make up once in a while, for that special look,
But you are none the less beautiful, when you don the natural look.

If colours were the only way to express beauty in its true form,
Why would white make, each one of us glow in its pristine form?
If colours were the only way to express glamour in its true form,
Why would black make us look so glamorous in its stark form?

Just as all the shades and hues of every colour, known or seen,
Lie waiting to emerge from the colour white, hiding deep within,
So are all the shades and hues of every age, ever donned or seen,
Lie waiting to emanate from our true selves, hiding deep within.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, as we have so often heard,
May sound like a cliche but inner beauty does get reflected outward.
Being one of your own kind and not just simply following the herd,
May sound like truism but the glow it brings, gets  radiated inward.

Love the changes in every form or colour, that nature brings your way,
Love all the colours of nature, for each one equally brightens your day.
Why not, let the real colours show, on this Holi or on just any other day?
Why not, let the silver streaks grow, don't hide them or tuck them away?