Wednesday 31 May 2017

'Tongue in cheek humour' around face book and is myriad emotions...

Writing a poem is therapeutic for me and often thoughts that are paramount in my mind get translated into poetry... this one is on 'face book' and the myriad emotions it is associated with... a bit of a 'tongue in cheek humour'...all in good stead, though...

It is often felt that  face book posts are actually 'emotions on public display',
I do feel that this is only a partial truth and each post has much more to say.

Though, not one to express everything that I feel, randomly on Fb, just for effect,
I do feel that it surely gives so many people a platform to reach out and connect.

Though each 'like' and 'comment' coming your way, may not be genuine and heartfelt,
There are genuine ones too, that make you smile and may even make your heart melt.

Though, at the surface level, some posts seem 'very matter of fact' to the browser,
There could be a hidden message or sarcasm, meant for 'someone in particular'.

Expressions of love for close allies, may often be  a frantic craving  for attention,
While all may not be so hunky dory, and there may be an undercurrent or friction.

Congratulations and best wishes may be routine and not straight from the heart,
Of course,so cleverly camouflaged, making it difficult for you to set them apart.

The most conspicuous responses are the ones, spreading dislike by their absence,
Cleverly making their presence felt all around and in your arena spelling silence .

The reminders are a boon for hubbies, friends and acquaintances, with acute amnesia,
But for those' unconcerned', 'far too busy' or 'unwilling to reach out',  a mere trivia.

There are more complexities in the posts put up, than there are in human emotions,
Each causing a furore in some way or the other and often causing  commotions.

Some posts generate an excited exchange of pleasantries, reaching an euphoric state
But soon leaving the subject in melancholy, as they die down at an equally fast rate.

Nevertheless, all these keep us really busy, saving us from boredom and dullness,
Keeping us occupied, physically and mentally, ensuring our temporary wellness.

It's scary to think of the  fate of those, so addicted to this game of name and fame,
If this platform of entertainment would cease to exist one day, as suddenly as it came.

And what would happen to those who flaunt their figures and frames all the time,
Indulging in this arduous act and other than their efforts, not spending even a dime.

All said and done, we all enjoy our moments of indulgence, appreciation and glory,
However short-lived they might be,for they sure bring a tangy twist  in our life story.

So there is no harm in a moderate indulgence minus spates of hate and spite on display,
As long as we continue to spread some genuine love and cheer all around,in a  fair play.

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