Sunday 25 June 2017

One of those 'Soul-Connecting-Moments'

Image result for three women having a traditional meal together

It was definitely one of those soul connecting moments that particular day,
When I set out to meet someone special, who had sent an invitation my way.

Strangely, we met that day, not like two strangers but like long lost friends, 
For the positive vibes felt and sheer joy experienced was from both the ends.

True appreciation and genuine love, is so rarely found in this day and date,
And so is simplicity and straightforwardness not seen much around, of late.

How one can brush aside one's problems as trivial, I also happened to witness,
When all those were heart-rending and actually causing acute pain and distress.

Perhaps by  being a gracious host to someone and drawing immense pleasure,
Serving delicious food, warmth , love, cheer and happiness, all in good measure.

So much warmth can be packed in little gestures, if someone truly wishes to give,
Ensuring those lovely memories would surely remain with you till the time you live.

May God bless this wonderful soul, and feel truly blessed to get her selfless love,
An absolute rarity in today's world, where people keep own selfish needs far above.

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