Thursday 4 May 2017

When our bubble of happiness bursts...

We all have experienced this in our lives, again and again and yet again,
When our bubble of happiness bursts, and we realize that it's all in vain. 

Fully aware of the fact that the bubble of happiness is not going to last,
We attach our hopes to a new source of joy, never learning from the past.

We surely need to have dreams and desires for ourselves, to surge ahead,
But the bitter fact is, that on realizing those dreams, are passion goes dead. 

No mater how far-reaching and far-fetched the goal may seem, in its quest,
It always bursts like a bubble on reaching it, making us lose in it, all interest.

Ironically, it  is just the same for a painful situation that we face in our lives,
It also bursts or disappears, sooner or later, as and when in our lives, it arrives.

We are not as thankful, when the bubble of suffering bursts, relieving us of pain,
As much as we are remorseful,when that of joy bursts, after its pleasurable gain.

Each one of us have delighted in creating and bursting bubbles in our childhood,
But have long forgotten the joy we had experienced, on reaching our adulthood.

How I wish, we could regain the joy of bursting bubbles, and remain ever joyful,
And have the 'innocent childlike wisdom' to always remain carefree and playful .

Learning to go through all life situations, no matter how tough they might appear,
Not seeking an escape route and facing them squarely till they simply disappear.

So, next time the bubble of happiness bursts, do not give it any undue importance,
Just sail through the joys and sorrows as you once did, with a child like innocence.


  1. Such a sweet poem! Gives so much encouragement when one is bogged down with disappointment when things are not working out!

    1. Thanks a lot Sonal, a conversation with my daughter yesterday triggered this.Your appreciation means a lot!
