Tuesday 22 May 2018

Teens versus Parents

Teens versus Parents

Blaming teens has become a fashionable mantra and rap,
But doesn't it take two to create and even bridge that gap?

'Blame it on our hormones', the teens have to so often say,
And Parents say, 'Even during our teens, they were at play!

'Oh, things are different now you see', the teens exclaim,
Parents retort,'You better not give excuses that too lame'.

Between parents and teenagers goes on such a conversation,
And this has been continuing from generation to generation.

Let us all make a sincere effort to improvise this equation,
And with some more empathy, give it an all new dimension.

It's true, there are several issues that we need to be resolve,
But a little understanding can help this relationship evolve.

No doubt, parenting is a challenging and arduous task today,
But then for the teenagers too, it is certainly not an easy way!

In these times of knowledge explosion and technical revolution,
Finding a solution to endless questions, demands an evolution.

Facing challenges and meeting  parents' and own expectations,
Is just not an easy task, invariably leading to many  frustrations.

Who says issues between parents and teens cannot be resolved?
With sincere efforts,the most complex situations can be solved.

What is required is, hand holding and heart to heart discussions,
 Also to build and  strengthen bonds through healthy interactions.

Let us give each other a listening ear and some respectful space,
And soon,with each other's strides, we shall be able to keep pace.

Shubha Sagar

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