Saturday 10 March 2018

Simplicity vs Complexity

 Simplicity vs. Complexity

Humans minds are born with such simplicity,
 We mindlessly, ruin it with so much complexity!
If we try and  keep it just simple and straight,
We can very easily conquer, much spite and hate.

Just be and let others be and not be in any race,
And move ahead in life at a comfortable pace,
Is the only thing, a simple mind forever desires,
And to remain happy and gay, is all it ever aspires.

A complex mind is, however, a complete contrast,
Forever competing, and always trying to race past.
Plotting and conniving, never ever resting in peace,
Ever eluding happiness and joy, never being at ease.

A simple mind beholds beauty in just everything,
Seeking joy and happiness, and also spreading.
Is calm and content even in the face of trials,
Even when provoked, it never cribs or quarrels.

So, while a simple mind finds the going all easy,
A complex mind is always restless and uneasy.
So aware of the beautiful world, is a simple mind,
The same for a complex mind is so difficult to find.

So let us strive to keep our mind, simple awhile,
Let us win several hearts, with a charming smile.
Continue to aspire and achieve,with a simple mind,
But surely not, by acquiring complexities of all kind.

copyright@Shubha Sagar

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