Sunday 8 May 2016

Every Day is Mother's Day!

As I got up in the morning and checked the hundreds of posts on Mothers Day...I did not feel less loved because my daughter did not post anything for me and also did not feel that I love my mom less because I did not post anything special for her, this Mother's Day.
The reason is stated in the poem below...dedicating this poem to all those who carry love for their moms in their heart and are proud of being a mom, every single day, Mother's Day or any other day...

I miss you every single moment, I miss you every single day,
I miss you on in all my highs and lows, in  every possible way!

I love you, not just when I am happy and I am smiling at you,
I love you, even when I am very angry and I am yelling at you!

I miss you when I cook meals and have to take up responsibility,
I miss you as I know that in that area I cannot match your ability!

I love you not only for the sermons, you gave me day and night,
I love you for the scoldings which I hated but made me so right!

I miss you when I feel low, since somebody has reprimanded me,
For I know I forgot some lessons you had taken pains to teach me.

I miss you when someone praises me and I feel good about myself,
For I remember you preached values, by practicing them yourself!

I remember you when I fall, for you taught me to always rise again,
And also when I rise, for you taught me to work hard in order to gain!

I miss you not only on Mothers Day but  round the clock and the year,
I miss you, because you taught me to live with dignity and without fear!

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