Monday, 2 February 2015


Exploitation and Victimization very much exist and may go up to any level,
 It could be of either kind, mental or physical and personal or professional.
Power and position are often known to turn people into fierce competitors,
And those far below in the hierarchy, probably end up becoming sufferers.

Exploitation often stems from a deep rooted human trait of discrimination,
And that of having insecurity, thereby soon turning into a compelling obsession.
Obsession possibly, eventually drives an exploiter to becoming a perpetrator,
And he soon starts victimizing others, thinking himself to be far more superior.

Another interesting facet of the relation between the victim and the perpetrator,
Is a very subtle dividing line between the two, acting as a thin band or separator.
And this factor, very subtle indeed, is interestingly that of an individual perception,
So irrespective of what appears to be, it may be just the reverse of the actual situation.

A victim could be the actual perpetrator and the victimizer the one who is the victim,
The equation between the two is so subtle, that chances of others finding out are dim.
The mind games that people play are of an incomprehensible and complex nature,
For all those who are outside the scenario of that of the victim and the perpetrator.

What makes all the difference to the actual reality of this wicked game is perception,
Often the cleverer one of the two, ends up giving it an altogether different dimension.
Confused? Well it is a complicated situation, understood only through your experiences,
Purely depending on how long or how deep you have been in either of these influences.

My appeal to all the perpetrators, disguising themselves as victims, playing with emotions,
Is to stop playing these dangerous games and be open and forthright about all the relations.
You may succeed and fool the entire world but your own conscience you can never evade,
For ‘ how  well you have lived your life’ is what matters and not ‘how well you have played’


  1. You have a rare gift...the gift of translating emotions into words. Many can write poems but few can touch the soul...God bless!

  2. Thank you Edith, for your kind words!

  3. Thank you Edith, for your kind words!

  4. Thank you Edith, for your kind words!

  5. Thank you Edith, for your kind words!
