Tuesday 8 March 2016

Musings of a female foetus

My heartbeat just woke me up from my divine slumber,
And I gingerly grope around in my dark watery chamber.
What is this new world going to be like, I simply wonder?
Will it allow the survival of my frame, so frail and tender?

I want to grow up soon and leave this mysterious tomb,
At the same time I do feel secure in my mother's womb.
Will I love the outside world and be able to delight in it?
Will I be welcomed by my family and soon be a part of it?

I have no clue of what is plaguing the mind of my mother,
I have no clue of the dilemma looming large over my father.
Why am I shrouded with this eerie feeling of lurking danger?
And why is  this feeling,every minute,growing more stranger?

Oh,it seems my  grand mother is holding in her hands my verdict,
And for no fault of mine.she has declared me as a mere culprit.
Why cannot she understand that with my mind so tiny and tender,
How can I ever comprehend or get caught in the biases of gender?

Please give me a chance to grow up and live my life like my brother,
I too am very special and like my beautiful soul, there can be no other!
Why do you not,of all the people,understand my dear grandmother?
Why are you being so insanely irrational towards me and my mother?

Please do not hate or reject me outright, for I too  have the right to live,
You have absolutely no clue, how much joy, on being born I would give.
Why do you not have some mercy and understand my deep anguish?
Or how I feel, when on the basis of gender you begin to distinguish?

Like all other living beings, I have the right to be born and blessed,
I am waiting to be born, loved and to get all dolled up and dressed.
How could I have, before being conceived, my plight possibly guessed?
Why should I be, on the basis of baseless bias and gender be assessed?

Let not my pleas leave your hearts untouched or fall on mere deaf ears,
You have no right to cut short my life or just slash away my future years.
Why cannot the world understand that with my mind so delicate and tender,
How can I ever comprehend why I do get caught in the biases of gender?

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