Sunday 9 August 2015


I Am Earth!

'I am earth', I do believe this, without any doubt,
From her very bosom, I spring forth and sprout.

I thrive on air, water and nutrients just like her,
I too need love, care, as well as to be looked after.

I am ever dependent on her for my own survival,
Just as  she relies on me for her constant revival.

To be useful, I am capable of going to any length,
'Sharing and Caring' is our core, common strength.

Yet, I need to acquire her 'art of giving so selflessly',
And learn lessons of 'suffering in silence' endlessly.

Time for me to 'respect and restore'  our mother earth',
And thank her for having nurtured me, right from birth.

Let 'bygones be bygones' and let us all 'arise and awake'',
To help revive the earth for our future generations' sake.

Let us all wow to take steps to save our dear mother earth,
So that, of her useful resources, there never is any dearth.

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