Tuesday 11 August 2015


Awake, arise, aspire and endeavor to fight away all your  blues,
The mental or physical fights and duels, or else the virals and fluz.
No matter how bad the situation, no matter how tough the cruise,
Drive away negativism and put your positive attitude to full use.

It is true that when we are low and nothing seems to be right,
It is not easy to fight back against all odds, with all your might.
Even the bravest may hit an all time low and shudder in fright,
Wallowing in self pity and finding  themselves in a sorry plight.

It is in times like these, you need to shake yourself and look around,
For God's ethereal creations, scent every fragrance, catch every sound.
There's no soul yet born, who on being one with nature has not found,
Solace and succor, with which he is capable of turning his grief around.

Value each and every breath you take, revel and rejoice in it's reality,
Count your bountiful blessings, for they do exist in abundant quantity.
Amidst the day to day chaos, there also coexists stability and serenity,
Beseech and behold the benevolence all around and bask in it's beauty.

It is not the colossal tasks that always  help you seek gratification,
Even small tasks completed, do help you draw immense satisfaction.
Get going and finish an unfinished task with will and determination,
Go for a walk, indulge in a talk, offer a helping hand, get set for action.

Believe me, these activities would ensue and ensure order and peace,
Lifting your sagging spirits and blowing away  your blues like breeze.
And when your mind is in order you experience an automatic release,
Of the 'feel good hormones' that would soothe you and put you at ease,

So next time you feel really low and suffer from 'an all blue bout',
Remember this difficult phase has actually an easy, breezy way out.
As simple as fooling or laughing around or taking a selfie with a pout,
Asking you not to stop following your dreams and just be up and about!

copyright@Shubha Sagar

Sunday 9 August 2015


I Am Earth!

'I am earth', I do believe this, without any doubt,
From her very bosom, I spring forth and sprout.

I thrive on air, water and nutrients just like her,
I too need love, care, as well as to be looked after.

I am ever dependent on her for my own survival,
Just as  she relies on me for her constant revival.

To be useful, I am capable of going to any length,
'Sharing and Caring' is our core, common strength.

Yet, I need to acquire her 'art of giving so selflessly',
And learn lessons of 'suffering in silence' endlessly.

Time for me to 'respect and restore'  our mother earth',
And thank her for having nurtured me, right from birth.

Let 'bygones be bygones' and let us all 'arise and awake'',
To help revive the earth for our future generations' sake.

Let us all wow to take steps to save our dear mother earth,
So that, of her useful resources, there never is any dearth.