Wednesday 29 April 2015

we all go through suffering!

Strange things and incidents can  happen only in  others people's lives, is often our belief and perception, 
But this is so far away from the truth, as we are very much a part of the sea of humanity and no exception.
We often have the illusion or belief that everything is so perfect in the lives of all others around us,
'The grass is always green on the other side', we so often feel and it does invariably appear to be thus.
But the fact of the matter is, that we all go through our own share of moments of sufferings and sorrows,
When all seems so terribly black and bleak, and we are left with very little hope for all our tomorrows.

When others are struck with a tragedy or calamity, we either love talking big and sounding really very wise,
Or we  become so insensitive that we indulge in gory gossip and add fuel to the rumours and blatant lies.
We also shower pity on those who have been victimized and do a bit of charity and feel good about ourselves,
But so very ironically and conveniently, we soon forget everything and get engrossed in our routines and lives.
That the lives of a few men and their families would never ever be the same thereafter, does not touch our heart,
It does not really make any difference to us or make us more God fearing and  humane, is indeed the saddest part.

Let us not forget that there is no soul born who does not have to go through some kind of suffering and pain,
Also defeat is followed by victory, sorrow is followed by happiness, night is followed by day and sunshine by rain.
We are all together in this eternal cycle of the highs and lows of life, life comes full circle again and again,
We all need to go through the trials and tribulations of life and understand that 'without pain there is no gain!'
Let us not always feel we are the ones who would be spared and it is others who shall face the stress and strain,
Let us accept all of life's challenges, as and when they  come and also be more empathetic and a bit  more humane,


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