Trillions of years have passed by ever since the Big Bang ,
that created the Universe,
And we have never ceased to wonder about the depth and
mysteries of the Cosmos.
Billions of years have passed by, since the time the Earth came
into its existence,
And we have never ceased to ponder about its unlimited
resources and elements.
Millions of years
have passed by, since the time flora and fauna began flourishing,
And we have never ceased to realize how their beauty and bounty
helps us in surviving.
Zillions of years
have passed by, since the human beings have breathed on the earth,
And we have never ceased to marvel at the miraculous event
of a child taking birth.
Yet, a strange and sad fact is that as our knowledge about
the universe expanded,
We started taking all these mysteries and the mystiques of
the cosmos for granted.
And equally strange is the fact that the more we explored
and conquered the earth,
We used its resources
for our greed more than our need, not realizing its true worth.
Strangely so, as the
interdependence within the ecosystems grew rapidly with time,
We started ignoring our environment, not caring about it or
our survival, even a dime.
And the strangest fact of all is, that human beings, marvel
at all the creations at first,
But forget to appreciate even the wonders of birth and
death, in their incessant thirst.
Let us learn to value how priceless, precise and picture
perfect the Universe really is,
And harness the positive energy that attracts and binds each
and every creation of His.
Let us also be eternally grateful to our planet, our very
own ‘ever giving’, mother earth ,
That gives us so selflessly our basic food, shelter,
clothing, right from the time of our birth.
Let us also acknowledge the immense role of plants and
animals in our day to day survival,
And make efforts to work towards their progressive
development and continuous revival .
Let us, above all learn to value life itself and be kind to
ourselves and other human beings,
And never ever cease to appreciate the role of the cosmos in
the entity of all living beings.