Sunday, 26 February 2012


 All the facets of life are made up of sugar and spice,
That is what makes it so well balanced and bountiful.
There also prevails in it, a constant element of surprise,
That is what makes life so interesting and beautiful!

Along with happy moments spent with our loved ones,
Misgivings and misunderstandings are also a crucial part.
Forgiving and forgetting and making up with your dear ones,
Brings you closer than ever before and cleanses your heart.

Laughter and tears too are two sides of the same coin of life,
Tears wash the excruciating pain and laughter dissolves grief.
A kind word brings hope in a hopeless situation full of strife,
And bitter words rob you of your peace of mind like a thief.

 Moments of faith and belief also alternate with lack of trust,
One moment you feel strong and the next moment defeated.
While weak moments help you muster strength and courage,
Strength can also tend to make you arrogant and conceited.

Birth is always celebrated whereas death is often condemned,
Both these prime life events seem to be each another’s quotient.   
Life seems so very real at times and at times only a mere illusion,
Both the feelings seem true at that particular time and moment.

In all its myriad sugary and spicy ways, life has a mystical charm,
It makes an excellent tutor, teaching us great lessons each day.
The good and bad sides of each facet during the journey of life,
Makes it so enticing and intriguing,helping us evolve all the way.