Sunday 18 October 2015

Rewind the clock?

To rewind the clock and relive the childhood of my kids,if it were possible in anyway
I would revel all over again in their innocent and irresistible charm every single day.

With kids around,there was forever sunshine and seeing them grow was a pleasure,
The precious moments spent with them, the  memories of which, I now truly treasure.

If it was possible to go back into the past, there are some things I would love to redo,
And some of the painful and undesirable moments, I would definitely like to undo.

I would love them even more than I did those days and see them in an all new light,
I would try to understand their anxieties, doubts and fears and hug them ever so tight.

I would do anything to raise them all over again with renewed prowess and patience,
And change things I did not do right,which weigh down heavily upon my conscience.

Yet  the reality is,that as we handled pain and pleasure, we together grew and evolved,
And grew up to bond like never before, as life's problems we faced squarely and solved.

Hence, it does not really matter if everything  was not prim,proper or picture perfect,
It was needed at that time to learn from follies and earn each other's love and respect.

So I do not wish to relive the past,rather remember the lessons, to each other we taught,
And ever be  grateful that together we braved rough weather and all our woes we fought.

I am proud that you turned out to be a better version of me and have your values intact,
You are capable of loving and on all others around, have a strong and profound impact.

I would rather shower the love,due to whatever reason I could not give you in abundance,
On my grandchildren and as a compensation, help you bring them up  with proper guidance.


Thursday 1 October 2015

A Duel between the Real and the Fake

A duel between the real and the fake has now become the order of the day,

How some people are actually within and what to the world they portray!

It is so very amazing how some people cleverly wear a mask all the time,

And its almost like being honest and being yourself has become a crime!

For their selfish and ulterior motives, how some people play with emotions,

Making others a scapegoat and 'a means to an end'to fulfill their own ambitions.

 Funnily they talk really  big and paint a larger than life image of themselves,

Portraying themselves as messiahs, fooling all others and even their own selves.

What, they do not however realize is that other people are not mute and blind,

They can very well see through their facade but either don't care or do not mind.

Its justified to be ambitious and do anything to acquire a big name and fame,

But certainly not fooling people and using them like pawns in their life's  game.

Born with a 'high and mighty' attitude and a mind with a tyrannical,whimsical bent,

They underestimate others and insinuate others of having a low emotional quotient.

Beware of people who are fake yet,the opposite about themselves, they believe and tell,

They only deserve our sympathy as they are often going through their own private hell.

Ironically, such people who use shortcuts for realizing their goals also do succeed and gain,

But only after paying a price of deceiving their own selves and many others in the bargain!

Monday 7 September 2015

A plea to Humanity

We love to pray and make offerings to the lord,'
And with the Almighty establish a special cord.
No matter how sincerely we pray and how often,
The best way is by offering service to fellowmen.

This is my sincere plea to the entire humanity,
Do rise and wake up to accept the stark reality,
That we are not born to divide or discriminate,
Or spread the messages of terrorism and hate.

We are born to dissolve our differences and unite,
Spreading messages of love and peace,far and wide.
We are not born with a spirit that  hurts or harms,
Or engage in racial wars and always be up in arms.

Let us remind ourselves of heart warming incidents,
Of people helping in times of calamities and accidents,
Coming forward,rising above religion, caste or creed,
Eager to be a part of a noble cause and a good deed.

Let us remember that the  human spirit is truly kind,
It is only a few evil ones who, poison the young mind,
Making them follow a wrong  path and commit crimes,
Engaging in conflicts,killing innocent people at times.

The need of the hour is to ignite the true human spirit,
And with compassion and concern,completely infuse it.
Therefore a  plea to humanity, to wake up to the reality,
And work towards restoring human dignity and

Tuesday 11 August 2015


Awake, arise, aspire and endeavor to fight away all your  blues,
The mental or physical fights and duels, or else the virals and fluz.
No matter how bad the situation, no matter how tough the cruise,
Drive away negativism and put your positive attitude to full use.

It is true that when we are low and nothing seems to be right,
It is not easy to fight back against all odds, with all your might.
Even the bravest may hit an all time low and shudder in fright,
Wallowing in self pity and finding  themselves in a sorry plight.

It is in times like these, you need to shake yourself and look around,
For God's ethereal creations, scent every fragrance, catch every sound.
There's no soul yet born, who on being one with nature has not found,
Solace and succor, with which he is capable of turning his grief around.

Value each and every breath you take, revel and rejoice in it's reality,
Count your bountiful blessings, for they do exist in abundant quantity.
Amidst the day to day chaos, there also coexists stability and serenity,
Beseech and behold the benevolence all around and bask in it's beauty.

It is not the colossal tasks that always  help you seek gratification,
Even small tasks completed, do help you draw immense satisfaction.
Get going and finish an unfinished task with will and determination,
Go for a walk, indulge in a talk, offer a helping hand, get set for action.

Believe me, these activities would ensue and ensure order and peace,
Lifting your sagging spirits and blowing away  your blues like breeze.
And when your mind is in order you experience an automatic release,
Of the 'feel good hormones' that would soothe you and put you at ease,

So next time you feel really low and suffer from 'an all blue bout',
Remember this difficult phase has actually an easy, breezy way out.
As simple as fooling or laughing around or taking a selfie with a pout,
Asking you not to stop following your dreams and just be up and about!

copyright@Shubha Sagar

Sunday 9 August 2015


I Am Earth!

'I am earth', I do believe this, without any doubt,
From her very bosom, I spring forth and sprout.

I thrive on air, water and nutrients just like her,
I too need love, care, as well as to be looked after.

I am ever dependent on her for my own survival,
Just as  she relies on me for her constant revival.

To be useful, I am capable of going to any length,
'Sharing and Caring' is our core, common strength.

Yet, I need to acquire her 'art of giving so selflessly',
And learn lessons of 'suffering in silence' endlessly.

Time for me to 'respect and restore'  our mother earth',
And thank her for having nurtured me, right from birth.

Let 'bygones be bygones' and let us all 'arise and awake'',
To help revive the earth for our future generations' sake.

Let us all wow to take steps to save our dear mother earth,
So that, of her useful resources, there never is any dearth.

Tuesday 28 July 2015


As millions of people,the world over,are busy paying their tribute to you,
I see you in a totally different light and present a different point of view.

People are saying ,over and over again, that 'may your soul rest in peace',
I would say that your mind and soul were always 'at peace' and 'at ease'.

And it's this state of mind that helped you achieve so much in your lifetime,
Even though for fame,money and position, you never really cared a dime.

You had a fiery  passion for life with which you wanted to ignite young minds,
You just believed in giving nothing but your very best to situations of all kinds.

Your love for youth and seeing a bright future in them,you never ever disguised,
Hence you did not leave a single opportunity to be with them and be their guide.

Your desire to realize your dreams never let you sleep,your dreams were selfless,
And inspired millions not only to dream but fulfill dreams through efforts endless.

As for your pristine love for your motherland ,it was so exemplary and evident,
To millions you have taught the true spirit of following religion by being prudent.

Above all you were a human being par excellence and so very down to earth,
Even though of talent, true spirit and a techno savvy mind you had no dearth.

All those who wish to offer you an ode today should realize that the only way,
It can be done is to imbibe the values you believed and practiced night and day.

The deep underlying message conveyed through these words, dedicated to a noble soul,
Is not to write about him for effect only today but to make his dreams for India, your goal!

The beautiful lessons of life

Life brings forth so many beautiful lessons our way,

Which,if we recognize,help us grow more each day.

They do keep us grounded,never letting us go astray,

Restoring and reinstating our faith,urging us to pray!

As we undergo suffering and pain,we bitterly complain,

Failing to recognize what the pain would help us gain.

We do not remember that sunshine is followed by rain,

And good and bad times repeat over and over again.

We learn more valuable lessons from failure than from success,

And also when we do not have enough,than having in excess.

Great learning often comes from that of struggle and distress,

We only need to face the challenges squarely and overcome stress.

Maybe these facts would  just sound like a cliche to a few,

Or some others would simply have a totally different view,

But friends,I say this from experience that it is so very true,

The lessons we learn in life, help us sail smoothly through. 

So next time you face a problem,put on your best smile,

And think about finding a solution by going an extra mile.

Do not get boggled by the hardships that just tend to pile,

Instead look for the beautiful lessons you learn all the while!

Wednesday 29 April 2015

we all go through suffering!

Strange things and incidents can  happen only in  others people's lives, is often our belief and perception, 
But this is so far away from the truth, as we are very much a part of the sea of humanity and no exception.
We often have the illusion or belief that everything is so perfect in the lives of all others around us,
'The grass is always green on the other side', we so often feel and it does invariably appear to be thus.
But the fact of the matter is, that we all go through our own share of moments of sufferings and sorrows,
When all seems so terribly black and bleak, and we are left with very little hope for all our tomorrows.

When others are struck with a tragedy or calamity, we either love talking big and sounding really very wise,
Or we  become so insensitive that we indulge in gory gossip and add fuel to the rumours and blatant lies.
We also shower pity on those who have been victimized and do a bit of charity and feel good about ourselves,
But so very ironically and conveniently, we soon forget everything and get engrossed in our routines and lives.
That the lives of a few men and their families would never ever be the same thereafter, does not touch our heart,
It does not really make any difference to us or make us more God fearing and  humane, is indeed the saddest part.

Let us not forget that there is no soul born who does not have to go through some kind of suffering and pain,
Also defeat is followed by victory, sorrow is followed by happiness, night is followed by day and sunshine by rain.
We are all together in this eternal cycle of the highs and lows of life, life comes full circle again and again,
We all need to go through the trials and tribulations of life and understand that 'without pain there is no gain!'
Let us not always feel we are the ones who would be spared and it is others who shall face the stress and strain,
Let us accept all of life's challenges, as and when they  come and also be more empathetic and a bit  more humane,


Wednesday 8 April 2015


Simplicity is a virtue that is so rare to find in this era and time,
It is almost as if being a simpleton today is actually a big crime.
Complexity and chaos has become the order of the day today,
It is sad indeed that we rarely enjoy a relaxed, stress free day.

The style quotient today is boasting of a  busy and hectic pace,
Everybody seems to be part of a huge marathon or a mad race.
Affluence today means more and more possessions and wealth,
Everyone seems to lack ‘peace of mind’ and a very good health.

Cosy houses have given way to cramped flats with no fresh air,
Simple traditional clothes have been replaced by western wear.
Healthy and wholesome food has given way to fast and junk food,
Polite language has been replaced by one that is rude and crude.

As I recall my childhood in a small town where I lived years back,
I realize life was simple yet beautiful, which today we sadly lack.
The play time adventures, so many festivities and celebrations,
The sharing and caring, many a secret longings and infatuations.

Not having a TV was such a boon, it gave us time to be outdoors,
Weaving and listening to interesting tales by the dozens and scores.
Not having computers and mobiles actually helped us come closer,
Nagging and nudging friends ,forever ragging and bullying each other.

We have paid a price, over the years, converting our towns into cities,
We have made the simplicities of life turn gradually into complexities .
How I wish life could be simple and sweet today like in the era gone by,
When we would nurture all relations and had simple moments to enjoy!

Thursday 26 March 2015

Poetic Confession for 4th Graders

I was invited to address the Grade 4 kids in my school, about creative writing and  I sadly forgot about it ,as I was busy with Examination.I penned down this poem for them as a compensation! Needless to say, we loved interacting with each other during the 45 minute session,sharing two of my poems for creative writing here...

Creative Writing


Dear students, thank you for your kind invitation,
And sorry for having missed your creative session,
                                         Due to few other commitments and time limitation,
So here I am to make this very poetic confession!

It’s nice to know that you all worked hard as a team,
To put up the book exhibition which was your dream.
At such a young age you have been able to achieve,
This great milestone, that makes you proudly beam.

Now you need to continue with your love for writing,
Whether it is prose, poetry or any thing interesting.
I am sure you found the whole experience inspiring,
And full of opportunities for several kinds of learning.

Be sure to keep enhancing your vocabulary regularly,
And for that you have to keep reading very religiously.
Writing is a creative art, it has to be developed slowly,
So keep on working upon your language continuously.

This first attempt in creating a book of your very own,
Can be nurtured to make you an author widely known.
Please maintain the enthusiasm that you have shown,
And create in the world of writing, your own special zone.

Thank you all, for giving me this wonderful opportunity,
To come and speak to PYP-4 about  “writing & creativity”.
Creativity of translating thoughts into poems and rhymes,
Sharing experiences  with others, of the good and bad times,
Creative writing is indeed a special and wonderful tool,
That can be very well developed and enhanced in school,
So start using this interesting and beautiful technique,
And create poems that are simply "aesthetic and unique”.

With  Love,
Shubha Ma'am

Friday 20 March 2015

Beware...insecurities can drive you crazy!

Insecurities can drive you completely crazy, please beware of this malady,
Try and get rid of some, if not all of them and add to your life some melody.
Insecurities mar your progress and personality, and that is a huge tragedy,
 Learn to overcome your insecurities, and turn your life into a real rhapsody.

Insecurities make you behave in ways that are strange even to your own self,
Gradually creeping and crawling into your psyche and destroying your true self.
Insecurities make you indulge in ways that are, often way beyond your real self,
Eventually shaping and sizing your persona, ensnaring you from your inner self.

The lengths to which a person can go due to an insecure self is very frightening,
Damaging and destroying the faith and hope of many a youthful souls aspiring,
The evil ways a person adopts in insecurity, end up in self and all else ruining,
Conquering and converting the conscience into one that is cunning and conniving,

Insecurities make us go crazy and instigate us to do insane things many a time,
Making us lesser and lesser empathetic, till we care neither a dozen nor a dime.
Insecurities also push us unconsciously on the course of conspiracy and crime,
Making us more and more unreasonable with others for no real reason or rhyme.

Let’s stop comparing and contrasting ourselves and our lives with that of others,
As that is the root cause of developing insecurity, hence our confidence withers.
Let’s start competing and challenging our own selves for all the rough weathers,
As that would stop us from being unfair to our own selves and to all the others.  


Thursday 19 February 2015


Attitude is the often ‘spoken and heard’ word today,
What exactly is an attitude, I wondered aloud one day?
An attitude is ‘the way a person thinks and behaves’,
At least this is what the dictionary meaning conveys!

We come across, attitudes of so many different kinds,
They are a reflection of what goes on in human minds.
Whether an attitude is right or wrong, it’s hard to define,
And between two perceptions, there can be a fine line!

It is sad to see people carrying a ‘high and mighty’ attitude,
And always making it a point to be generally, nasty and rude.
In contrast, some others strive to be calm, poised and polite,
And they automatically,respect and love, from others invite!

Those, who are ever judging others, fail to judge themselves,
As they are actually emotionally upset with their own selves,
Those, who with every word and action spell and spill humour,
Often hide their pain and anguish, under their calm demeanour!

There is a ‘never mind’ attitude and a ‘devil may care’ attitude,
One that is ‘forever apologetic’ and one ‘without any gratitude’!
‘I am the best’ attitude is often found among not the very best,
And ‘I am good for nothing’ is drawing sympathy from the rest!

Yet, individual perception of attitudes, when kept aside,
The kind of person one is, attitude can help others decide.
The right attitudes are sure to take you a long way in life,
And the wrong attitude can add to your misery and strife!

 It is true that humility does not come easily to a lot of people,
But when acquired, it does make the attitude softer and subtle.
Let us change our attitude to one, more pleasant and profound,
And make peace with our own selves and with others around!

Wednesday 18 February 2015

I was one of the privileged few who had the opportunity of studying in St.Mary’s Convent, Allahabad...a school with stuff that dreams are made of....making me everything that I am today...coming second only to the upbringing my parents gave me memories that would last a lifetime,,.this poem is dedicated to all my sisters and school mates, specially Manjula Shetty with whom I have always been in touch since 45 years,,,

I am sure they all would identify with this poem.

Memories of my school...the stuff that dreams are made of...

My school, an unforgettable experience, I don’t mind repeating at any cost,
In an almost fairytale setting, with a campus so huge, one could get lost.
The unique combination of antique and modern edifices thrown together,
And winding corridors, adorned with gothic pillars, boldly defying weather.
The gigantic, dome shaped gymnasiums, standing proud and well equipped,
For many decades, by thousands of children, to be ransacked and frisked.

The beautiful drive-in bringing in animated schoolmates every fine morning,
And sending them off to their homes after a memorable day, in the evening.
Each day was a day of learning not just academics but lessons of life itself,
That would make each one of us a better person, absolutely sure of oneself.
The discipline and the drive, the bonding and the building of special relations,
Were the characteristic features that set my school apart from many millions.

Sports was so beautifully integrated and highlighted in the education process,
It groomed my personality and persona with a confidence, I till date possess.
Needlework could not have been imparted, with more finesse and perfection,
Helping me become creative and able to handle with ease, my ‘home section’.
Art was taught with so much passion and patience, it was simply loved by me,
Enhancing my creativity to an extent, that an artist was soon born within me.

The auditorium with the grand piano on the stage created an ethereal ambience,
And music played such a special role in my school life, I still feel its resonance,
Sister Elizabeth singing soulfully and playing the piano with her magical fingers,
Made me adore her songs and I soon found a place among really good singers.
Moral Science developed in me a very healthy conscience and the right values,
And the love and caring environment, would certainly drive away all the blues.

Language skills were painstakingly developed, by passionate teachers, very able,
And inculcating in me good reading habits, through a treasure of books available.
If the English language was taught by listening, speaking and writing correctly,
The national language Hindi and ancient Sanskrit were also taught compulsorily.
There were a lot of opportunities for exhibiting my talents during various concerts,
Exhibitions, competitions, the Sports and Annual Days, which were major events.

Above all the sisters that tiptoed around the campus with composure and calm,
Created an aura of spirituality and security ensuring that there can be no harm.
The most vivid memories are the visits to the chapel, kneeling down in reverence,
And Reverend mother on rounds, her dachshund close on heels, her looks intense.
The environment of the school had on me, a very profound and penetrating effect,
Shaping me into one, with integrity and the ability to deeply reflect and introspect.

Among all those who have studied in this convent, there is really a strong connection,
No matter how far and wide they have spread, and which field they may have chosen.
They are still strongly attracted to each other, almost like opposite poles of a magnet,
Thanks to face book and twitter which have helped many of us reunite and reconnect.
I was indeed fortunate to be part of such a school, which today, is really rare to find,

And I am proud to be a part of a truly great learning experience, only one of its kind!

Thursday 12 February 2015


 Every drop of water ,adds up to make many a mighty ocean and sea,
Creating huge waves, infusing our body and mind with boundless energy.
Every drop of the golden Sun, adds up to form the expansive daylight,
Lighting and warming up the earth, making it look so beautiful and bright.
Every drop of air, adds up to create the divine life force flowing constantly,
Moving in and out of innumerable living beings, sustaining lives incessantly.
Every drop of fertile soil, adds up to make the glorious and generous earth,
Producing food for the populations over generations, without any dearth.
Every drop of nectar adds up into a swirling and surging sea of sweetness,
Attracting swarms of bees to the blushing blooms through their fragrance.  

Every drop of matter, adds up to create on the globe, the vast environment,
 Enabling huge ecosystems to thrive and coexist by becoming interdependent.
Every living cell, adds up to form , a really mammoth variety of living creatures,
By producing off springs, generation after generation, with diverse features.
Every drop of blood, adds up to form a powerful, pulsating, perpetual flow,
Gushing inside a living body, giving it the energy boost and the radiant glow.
Every drop of grey matter, adds up to create a colossal network of neurons,
 Stimulating and triggering the brain to control all the thoughts and actions.
Every drop of love, adds up to create a universal bond bringing people closer,
Giving meaning to relationships and existence, winning hearts over and over.


Wednesday 11 February 2015

The bygone era of letter writing

Where has the golden era of ‘letter writing’ disappeared,
When letters were lovingly penned down, read and heard?
Where has the magic of exchanging letters, just vanished ,
When love and care, was through letters, communicated?

Letters were the precious little gifts for many generations,
To exchange good and bad news, and sharing our emotions.
From a letter to your loved one to a letter to a dear friend,
The joy of sending and receiving letters, had simply no end.

The love letters, popular among all, the young and the old,
The letters sharing the darkest of secrets, never to be told .
Letters speaking of exciting journeys and adventures galore,
Letters transcending boundaries, barriers and many a shore.

Abraham Lincoln’s famous letter, sent to his son’s headmaster,
Inspired millions in the past and will continue to do so, ever after .
Letters to Indira Gandhi sent by her father Nehru, from the prison,
Make interesting reading till date, for every Indian daughter risen.

The cell phone was a great invention and so was the computer,
But sadly they restricted letter writing to facebook and twitter.
Today it is a task to be accomplished only during the examination,
Or reduced to either that of writing an application or a resignation.

Those who have exchanged intimate letters with friends and family,
Have for long treasured them and preserved them ever so carefully.
The eternal charm of penning and posting letters cannot be described,
The bygone era of letter writing needs to be revoked and revived.


Wednesday 4 February 2015

The musings of an adorable pug

This poem was penned down by me last year,I have added two more paras today, based on my experiences with my adorable pug in the past few months and wish to share it again! It would require a patient reading but believe me, it would be absolutely  worth it,specially for those, known to this adorable pug and all other animal lovers!

 I am the special one! I am the special one!

There is no other one like me under the sun!

I do not remember when I was actually born,

But I do remember feeling so lost and forlorn,

As, one fine day, when I was barely 45 days old,

I would have to travel up to Borivali, I was  told.

Curled up snugly in a green basket, I wondered,

Where was I being taken and simply shuddered,

Thinking, what was in store for me in the future,

And prepared myself for an amazing adventure.

When my basket cover was opened in the pet shop,

I jumped out in a jiffy with a quick jump, skip and hop.

 I ignored the screaming and gaping of few strangers,

And braced myself for the probable lurking dangers.

To my utter surprise, a girl picked me and kissed me,

And three other persons looked lovingly at poor me.

You bet, I felt wanted and welcomed by this family,

So soon I was on my way to my new abode happily.

In the car ride to my home, I was very curious indeed,

If my new home would have, the love and care I need .

When I entered my new home, it was love at first sight,

Within few minutes of entering inside,I lost all my fright,

I broke into a run from one end of the house to the other,

I was glad to make my family break into a hearty laughter.

From then on it was a happy journey of knowing my family,

And the new environment and also other dogs in the vicinity.

My family loved to show me off to other men and women,

But I liked most, being admired and petted by the children.

Soon enough I became known as quite a famous personality,

As I got to meet more and more people in my new locality .

A bit more about my family and with them, my relationship,

How I grew with them and struck with them a great kinship.

My papa, a bit scared of me, would try avoiding me initially,

He, later on went on to become my best friend surprisingly.

My mother, loved me and took me to school every single day,

She called me 'educated' and in her cabin would let me stay.

My brother, had to leave, the very next day, for his work city,

But I sniffed him enough to know that he is a pet lover and witty.

My sister, the main reason I joined this family, simply adored me,

She fed me, bathed me and in all possible ways, pampered me.

Talking of bath, reminds me of my naughty and mischievous ways,

Which gave my family members, several fun filled and happy days.

I loved to dodge after my bath and give my sister and mom a chase,

And believe me they used to love it when I curled up for a mad race.

My special tactics were, tricking papa into taking me for an extra walk,

And being able to communicate every possible thing without a talk.

My love for raw mangoes and ripe chikoos, took me for an extra round,

And that brought all the kids and even the watchmen in the compound.

Here, I would like to share a secret with one and all about myself today,

I always did an extra prank only because it kept my family happy and gay.

There were many other family members I met over the years,

Aunts and Uncles, from India and Canada, many nears and dears.

My favourite one was an adorable sister, her chubby cheeks all red

Coming all the way from Canada, she brought for me my lovely bed.

But my most unforgettable journey in the four years that I have lived,

Was the first ever flight and stay in the city where my brother resided.

And when he got married, I could not hold my excitement, in the least,

Merrily I met many more family members and joined in the gala feast .

When I met my bhabhi, she was too shy and literally scared of me,

But now she loves me too and wants to own another pug like me.

That was about my family but there are lot many other people too,

Who have loved me and took care of me and of course they still do.

A family of four, that took me over a few times and simply loves me,

And the maid and the driver who take turns to look after me, you see.

Once on friendship day the kids made me blush and bloat with pride,

When around my neck, colourful friendship bands they lovingly tied.

People, who meet me once or twice, are not able to forget me easily,

They keep asking about my well being, to which I swirl my tail merrily.

I consider myself lucky to be showered with so much love and care,

Yes, thank God, I am the special one, I can with modest pride declare!

Of late, through my sickness and sadness, I have had a realization,

That special ones too have to go through many a trial and tribulation.

We dogs, take away the pain and suffering,even negativity and stress,

Of family members ,friends and strangers in exchange of positiveness.

And we pugs have a history  of having lived in the Tibetian Monastries,

And have a deep understanding of Spirituality and life's 'Many Mysteries'.

These special qualities made me vulnerable and gave me sickness and pain,

But it saddens me to see my nears and dears , worry and cry for me in vain.

Their sincere prayers have done wonders and kept me alive all this while,

For which, I would easily do anything more, to make them happy and smile.

I want them and all others to know and realize this fact,once and for all, 

That to lead a selfless life and suffer for the sake of others,is not easy at all.

In the bargain,we tend to attract sickness and pain from all those around us,

And we do this, without complaining or taking credit and bare minimum fuss.

We cannot speak but we understand more than what is,'said and explained',

We believe in serving faithfully, without bothering about what we have gained.

We sure have a shorter life span and lesser privileges than the human beings,

But we still consider ourselves as specially blessed and fortunate living beings.

And since I belong to this wonderful species, so sensitive and full of spirituality,

I am indeed very special and so proud of my 'blessed life and unique identity'!