Monday 13 March 2017

Let the real colours show

Image result for splash of colours in abstract

Let the real colours show, on this Holi or on just any other day,
Let the silver streaks grow, don't hide them or tuck them away.
Love the wrinkles on your face and revel in the shades of grey,
Love the growing pallor, never mind the crimson fading away.

No harm in adding black ,red, or gold flicks, to don a glam look,
But you are none the less graceful, when you don the natural look.
No harm in using make up once in a while, for that special look,
But you are none the less beautiful, when you don the natural look.

If colours were the only way to express beauty in its true form,
Why would white make, each one of us glow in its pristine form?
If colours were the only way to express glamour in its true form,
Why would black make us look so glamorous in its stark form?

Just as all the shades and hues of every colour, known or seen,
Lie waiting to emerge from the colour white, hiding deep within,
So are all the shades and hues of every age, ever donned or seen,
Lie waiting to emanate from our true selves, hiding deep within.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, as we have so often heard,
May sound like a cliche but inner beauty does get reflected outward.
Being one of your own kind and not just simply following the herd,
May sound like truism but the glow it brings, gets  radiated inward.

Love the changes in every form or colour, that nature brings your way,
Love all the colours of nature, for each one equally brightens your day.
Why not, let the real colours show, on this Holi or on just any other day?
Why not, let the silver streaks grow, don't hide them or tuck them away?