Among all kinds of friendships, 'The sibling friendship" is surely one of the best,
For as we grow together, in this friendship, all our joys, fears and tears we invest.
There is not a child born, who does not experience sibling rivalry, envy and pain,
But that only strengthens the bonds and helps us sail through sunshine and rain.
It is sibling friendship that teaches us important lessons in 'caring and sharing',
And also makes us realize over the years that it is one bond that is most enduring.
We fight 'tooth and nail' for the most petty things and also for 'all and no reasons,'
But we stand by each other in good and bad moments, all through the seasons.
On this Friendship Day, I thank my siblings, heartily, for being my best friends,
And for always being there and giving me love and trust that never ever ends.