Thursday 7 July 2016

The Funny Side Of rains

The monsoon is back in full swing, in its all time favourite Mumbai city,
All set to save the burning Mumbaikars from the 'hot and humid' intensity.

As always, creating all kinds of moods and reactions among the Mumbaikars,
Giving enough matter to report about 'monsoon news' to all the news reporters.

The lovers get all excited and exalted with the idea of romancing in the rains,
Whereas daily commuters get all worked up about 'flooding and delayed trains'.

But there is a funny side of the rains, that adds humour to the mundane existence,
Refreshing and rejuvenating one and all, fighting away their blues in an instance.

Topping the charts of the 'Funny side'are the Meteorological weather predictions',
That mostly turn out to be quite the reverse of people's and their own expectations.

Thus a bright sun happily greets one on a strongly predicted 'heavy monsoon day',
And catches people unaware with heavy rains on a strongly predicted,'no rains day'.

One can easily taste the adventures of a rocking boat, while driving on the road,
Ad if lucky, one can even experience the thrills, that the rides in theme parks hold.

There is not a soul born who may not have seen the turning of the umbrella outwards,
Almost as if the winds were helping to send the protection of its canopy heavenwards.

Those with an artistic bent of mind do have their share of fun too, in so many ways,
As they draw inspiration from the artwork on clothes, created by muddy water sprays.

The fun of playing holi with dirty water splashed by cars driving past in full speed,
Specially when bathed and dressed and just leaving for work, is unbelievable, indeed.

Relieving oneself in the rain does not luckily leave any 'tell tale marks',when soaked up,
Nor does it need a board,' ool-side since p is not allowed in' that is recently being put up.

All this and a lot more fun elements are what make monsoons, the most loved season,
There's no doubt that the 'funny side of rains', makes us laugh for one or the other reason.


Prayers do work, we have all experienced this some time or the other,
Prayers are 'little survival tools' that guard us like an eternal protector.

Prayers are actually, like the rays of light and they travel really fast,
Their speed is controlled by your faith and their range is really vast.

Prayers are sincere conversations that help us connect to the supreme,
And  help us in tackling our 'trials and tribulations', however extreme.

Prayers are the simple solutions to all our woes and worries,big or small,
They are the tiny miracles that help us to go through pain and bear it all. 

Prayers for the self our good but the selfless ones for others are the best,
To be able  to pray for others wholeheartedly is the ultimate human test.

Collective prayers create a resonance strong enough to banish all evil,
These are the kind that even scare the hell out of the demon and  devil.  

Prayers are a source of strength that resurrect our faith in our worst days,
They are rays of hope that  work their way and heal  in  mysterious ways.

Never ever stop believing in the power of prayers, they do work for sure, 
They are the songs of the heart and soul that make us pristine and pure