Sunday 18 October 2015

Rewind the clock?

To rewind the clock and relive the childhood of my kids,if it were possible in anyway
I would revel all over again in their innocent and irresistible charm every single day.

With kids around,there was forever sunshine and seeing them grow was a pleasure,
The precious moments spent with them, the  memories of which, I now truly treasure.

If it was possible to go back into the past, there are some things I would love to redo,
And some of the painful and undesirable moments, I would definitely like to undo.

I would love them even more than I did those days and see them in an all new light,
I would try to understand their anxieties, doubts and fears and hug them ever so tight.

I would do anything to raise them all over again with renewed prowess and patience,
And change things I did not do right,which weigh down heavily upon my conscience.

Yet  the reality is,that as we handled pain and pleasure, we together grew and evolved,
And grew up to bond like never before, as life's problems we faced squarely and solved.

Hence, it does not really matter if everything  was not prim,proper or picture perfect,
It was needed at that time to learn from follies and earn each other's love and respect.

So I do not wish to relive the past,rather remember the lessons, to each other we taught,
And ever be  grateful that together we braved rough weather and all our woes we fought.

I am proud that you turned out to be a better version of me and have your values intact,
You are capable of loving and on all others around, have a strong and profound impact.

I would rather shower the love,due to whatever reason I could not give you in abundance,
On my grandchildren and as a compensation, help you bring them up  with proper guidance.


Thursday 1 October 2015

A Duel between the Real and the Fake

A duel between the real and the fake has now become the order of the day,

How some people are actually within and what to the world they portray!

It is so very amazing how some people cleverly wear a mask all the time,

And its almost like being honest and being yourself has become a crime!

For their selfish and ulterior motives, how some people play with emotions,

Making others a scapegoat and 'a means to an end'to fulfill their own ambitions.

 Funnily they talk really  big and paint a larger than life image of themselves,

Portraying themselves as messiahs, fooling all others and even their own selves.

What, they do not however realize is that other people are not mute and blind,

They can very well see through their facade but either don't care or do not mind.

Its justified to be ambitious and do anything to acquire a big name and fame,

But certainly not fooling people and using them like pawns in their life's  game.

Born with a 'high and mighty' attitude and a mind with a tyrannical,whimsical bent,

They underestimate others and insinuate others of having a low emotional quotient.

Beware of people who are fake yet,the opposite about themselves, they believe and tell,

They only deserve our sympathy as they are often going through their own private hell.

Ironically, such people who use shortcuts for realizing their goals also do succeed and gain,

But only after paying a price of deceiving their own selves and many others in the bargain!