Monday 7 September 2015

A plea to Humanity

We love to pray and make offerings to the lord,'
And with the Almighty establish a special cord.
No matter how sincerely we pray and how often,
The best way is by offering service to fellowmen.

This is my sincere plea to the entire humanity,
Do rise and wake up to accept the stark reality,
That we are not born to divide or discriminate,
Or spread the messages of terrorism and hate.

We are born to dissolve our differences and unite,
Spreading messages of love and peace,far and wide.
We are not born with a spirit that  hurts or harms,
Or engage in racial wars and always be up in arms.

Let us remind ourselves of heart warming incidents,
Of people helping in times of calamities and accidents,
Coming forward,rising above religion, caste or creed,
Eager to be a part of a noble cause and a good deed.

Let us remember that the  human spirit is truly kind,
It is only a few evil ones who, poison the young mind,
Making them follow a wrong  path and commit crimes,
Engaging in conflicts,killing innocent people at times.

The need of the hour is to ignite the true human spirit,
And with compassion and concern,completely infuse it.
Therefore a  plea to humanity, to wake up to the reality,
And work towards restoring human dignity and