Thursday 26 March 2015

Poetic Confession for 4th Graders

I was invited to address the Grade 4 kids in my school, about creative writing and  I sadly forgot about it ,as I was busy with Examination.I penned down this poem for them as a compensation! Needless to say, we loved interacting with each other during the 45 minute session,sharing two of my poems for creative writing here...

Creative Writing


Dear students, thank you for your kind invitation,
And sorry for having missed your creative session,
                                         Due to few other commitments and time limitation,
So here I am to make this very poetic confession!

It’s nice to know that you all worked hard as a team,
To put up the book exhibition which was your dream.
At such a young age you have been able to achieve,
This great milestone, that makes you proudly beam.

Now you need to continue with your love for writing,
Whether it is prose, poetry or any thing interesting.
I am sure you found the whole experience inspiring,
And full of opportunities for several kinds of learning.

Be sure to keep enhancing your vocabulary regularly,
And for that you have to keep reading very religiously.
Writing is a creative art, it has to be developed slowly,
So keep on working upon your language continuously.

This first attempt in creating a book of your very own,
Can be nurtured to make you an author widely known.
Please maintain the enthusiasm that you have shown,
And create in the world of writing, your own special zone.

Thank you all, for giving me this wonderful opportunity,
To come and speak to PYP-4 about  “writing & creativity”.
Creativity of translating thoughts into poems and rhymes,
Sharing experiences  with others, of the good and bad times,
Creative writing is indeed a special and wonderful tool,
That can be very well developed and enhanced in school,
So start using this interesting and beautiful technique,
And create poems that are simply "aesthetic and unique”.

With  Love,
Shubha Ma'am

Friday 20 March 2015

Beware...insecurities can drive you crazy!

Insecurities can drive you completely crazy, please beware of this malady,
Try and get rid of some, if not all of them and add to your life some melody.
Insecurities mar your progress and personality, and that is a huge tragedy,
 Learn to overcome your insecurities, and turn your life into a real rhapsody.

Insecurities make you behave in ways that are strange even to your own self,
Gradually creeping and crawling into your psyche and destroying your true self.
Insecurities make you indulge in ways that are, often way beyond your real self,
Eventually shaping and sizing your persona, ensnaring you from your inner self.

The lengths to which a person can go due to an insecure self is very frightening,
Damaging and destroying the faith and hope of many a youthful souls aspiring,
The evil ways a person adopts in insecurity, end up in self and all else ruining,
Conquering and converting the conscience into one that is cunning and conniving,

Insecurities make us go crazy and instigate us to do insane things many a time,
Making us lesser and lesser empathetic, till we care neither a dozen nor a dime.
Insecurities also push us unconsciously on the course of conspiracy and crime,
Making us more and more unreasonable with others for no real reason or rhyme.

Let’s stop comparing and contrasting ourselves and our lives with that of others,
As that is the root cause of developing insecurity, hence our confidence withers.
Let’s start competing and challenging our own selves for all the rough weathers,
As that would stop us from being unfair to our own selves and to all the others.