Wednesday 17 December 2014



Be careful as you tread on the sands of time,
As you leave your indelible footprints behind.
Be cautious of what your words and actions say,
As you do impact lives, in some or the other way.

You are but one speck in the sea of humanity,
That is reeling under sheer insecurity and vanity.
You’re caught in a vicious circle of action and reaction,
Hence you need to ever guard your communication.

Why constantly prove yourself right, right from birth?
Can you not be content in knowing your own self worth?
Spend more time introspecting than portraying yourself,
Ever strive to retain your identity and never lose oneself.

                              Savour each and every moment and slow down your pace.
Life is meant to be cherished and you are not in any race!
Do not always for your gains, try to please and appease,
What is meant to be, will definitely come to you with ease.

                              So make the most of the life you have been blessed with,
It is a wonderful  opportunity  you have been graced with
So be careful as you tread on the sands of time,
As you often leave your indelible footprints behind.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Your exit from our lives has created a big void,
At times it seems real, at times like celluloid.
We miss you a lot every moment and each day,
Yet feel your constant presence in a strong way.

You have always loved and lived your life to the hilt,
And never carried any feelings of remorse or guilt.
So many things you have taught us through your life,
To be strong willed and courageous in the face of strife.

If we can do half the things you did in your lifetime,
We would consider ourselves worth a penny or a dime.
You were by all means, ’passion & perfection’ personified,
You have taught us how to live a life that’s dignified.

This is a loss for all of us that is way beyond repair,
With each passing breath it makes us more aware.
For your soul to rest in peace we do offer a prayer,
And seek your blessings and love now and forever.

Mom,you mean a lot to us, more than words can say,
We shall try and follow your footsteps each day.
Your exit from our lives has created a big void,
At times it seems real, at times like celluloid.

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